
Archive for June, 2013

Whew. My life certainly has the ability to explode around me still. Though, I must admit, it is of my own choosing. When you try to change some fundamental things about how you live your life, there’s bound to be fallout. In this case, it hindered my available time to write… to tell a story. But nothing worth doing is ever easy, so I’m not at all dismayed or regretful.

Is all of that in the past? Not remotely. Change takes time, and I’m not about to abandon the changes I wish to make.

With that said, Brasilia is ready for peer review (starting with my wonderful, lovely wife). I’ve decided to take a different direction, while my free time is clearly under “uncertain” status. I’m going to write, and share, according to a new schedule. You see, the majority of Brasilia was completed 6 months ago. It’s only my notion that a novel needs to be of a certain length, and of a certain format that has led me to great delay. I had it stuck in my mind that I needed to follow the established conventions to share my story… I forgot something important: the story is ready when the story is ready. For me, right now, that readiness must follow the storyteller’s schedule… the storyteller’s life. And my life right now will dictate how the story gets released.

You see, I truly believe the best way to tell a story is to tell it in one complete thought. Eden took 10 years (and it shows in spots), but Babylon and For Duty only took a few months each. I think they are better stories for it. So, no more. I plan to write & release when the story is complete. And, right now, I don’t have vast tracts of time to dedicate to massive books (I do envy some of my peers who have that luxury). The releases will be smaller, in almost “chronicle” format, and I plan to release them quicker… all leading up to the final book (Alexandria).

So, expect a fall release of Brasilia (I can say that with confidence now), followed quickly by the first “Eden Chronicle”, which will begin to tell the story which leads to the finale, Alexandria.

I am thankful for the words of encouragement from those of you who found some joy in my novels. I do take my self-proclaimed title of “storyteller” very seriously, and know that this is the best course for me right now. I must tell this story and I do care enough to share it with anyone who will listen.

Thanks for listening!

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